January 9, 2023
Notice of Upcoming Major Change To Realtime Training

The REALTIMETRAINING module will be going through a change to help customers assign training in a more efficient method. We will be removing the assignment portion of training to users out of the groups section.  This will help prevent users from being assigned courses that they may have just taken, while being able to add users in and out of a group without the worry of assignments for tracking purposes.

We will be introducing a new section called CURRICULUM.  Inside CURRICULUM you will apply which courses users are required to take. Groups will only be used for grouping users to a curriculum.  A new page of group assignments will be used to select a group, and then the course assignment timeframes. The direct assignment of a course to a user will remain as it is.

We will automatically move all courses that were assigned in groups to curriculum with the name of the group as the curriculum names.  ROLL OUT  scheduled 3-19-22 thru 3-29-22

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