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Effortless Time card, Expense, and Payroll Tracking for Contractors

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Introducing REALTIME Worker an essential tool for contractors, project managers, and billing departments that provides intuitive job and task tracking from the field. Eliminate delays through streamlined purchase order management, price updates, time tracking, and job scheduling through a standardized, cloud-based solution.

Why REALTIME worker
  • One-click clock in and out.
  • Easily enter time manually, including break-out times.
  • Quickly input time cards and job log entries.
  • Log jobs with notes, photos, and videos.
  • Set manpower scheduling reminders.
  • Fully interactive job log functions.

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  • Request and schedule workers in advance.
  • Monitor all “on-the-clock” team members.
  • Proactively correct time entries before payroll processing.
  • Seamlessly communicate with their workforce.

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Driven by first-hand feedback and insights from industry experts and contractors, REALTIMEais Products were designed to address the challenges that companies and their workers face every day, ensuring a safer and more efficient operational landscape.

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30+ years of
electrical safety and consulting expertise

The Difference

Being proactive means more than just an absence of accidents. implements robust safety
protocols and continuous training, maintenance, and risk assessments.

Without these measures, we're simply leaving your well-being up to chance. Join us in creating a quicker,
simpler, and safer future with

    Receive a guided tour of the leading technology for asset management
    and electrical risk mitigation.

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    Request a free demo or consultation today!